Food Safety

From back in the History, like any traded item, food is vulnerable to cheating. The Code of Hammurabi, in 1750 BC, laid out penalites for brewers who sold short weight. The Greeks and Romans struggled with vintners who dyed and flavoured their wine. In 1202. King John of England proclaimed the first English food law, “the Assize of Bread”, which prohibited adulteration of bread with such ingridients as ground peas or beans.

What is the situation today? Manufacturers can make up a confection of anything they like, as long as none of the ingridient is “harmful”. Indeed, food can now officially be adultered as long as it is declared on the label!

The general regulatory bodies do their best, but why would we rely purely on them? Our life is on the line, so it is our own responsibility.

Check out what other things are caused by these “ingridients”  on Weight Loss Cover-up Exposed!


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